Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Time Warp

Sometimes life spins you out of control ... be it a rough day at work, a person you called a friend breaks your heart, the loss of a loved one. In these times you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and somehow get through the next day. Then the next and the one after that, and slowly over time the pain gets less. the wounds heal, and you grow as a person. I seem to always be going through one thing or another and I thank God everyday for the friends and family in my life that love, and support me. I grow everyday as a person and as a photographer and now it seems once again as a college student. In case you have not heard I have lost my mind and I'm going back to school for nursing... something I did not have the drive or the guts to do before though I was interested in it. It will be a long road and I know I can't save everybody but maybe the ones I can will do some good in the world with their second chance. That's what I'm trying to do.

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